Thursday, October 31, 2019

Courtroom player Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Courtroom player - Essay Example It is no doubt that a judge is a key figure in the courtroom; the two opposing parties in a case usually come before a judge to present their cases. The judge gives both sides the opportunity to present their version of the facts relevant to the case at hand. The judges oversee the trial and make legal decisions which may arise. In addition, they sentence convicted criminal offenders in the case of criminal cases, and make decisions regarding the outcomes of civil cases and the appropriate remedy (Arizona Supreme Court, 2010). The general responsibilities of the judges and how they perform them often raises the ethic and moral questions; the decisions that they make always border on some ethic and moral issues. Since the concept of ethics and morals are central to judges, most jurisdictions have provided ethical and moral codes that should guide the judges (Kay, 1995). That notwithstanding, judges are faced with several legal and ethical issues. The first ethical and moral issue that judges face is the issue of fairness and justice. Judges are required to make decisions that are fair and just. As such, they should use their discretion and abilities to achieve this by ensuring that every proceeding is fair and the subsequent decisions are just as fair and just. In other words, both parties should at the end be satisfied with the decision, or at least see that justice has been done. The second ethical and moral issue that the judges face is that of public confidence. Courts all over the world are considered as the places that uphold the highest level of justice, fairness and equality (Kay, 1995). This explains why individuals who are aggrieved by others use court as the last resort to seek justice, remedy, and fairness. However, factors such as historical injustices in the courts, nepotism, and corruption can greatly dent the perception that the public have about the courts. Therefore, it is very critical for judges to mainta in public confidence

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

God Does Exist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

God Does Exist - Research Paper Example What makes man the most superior to everything in the world is his brain. It is our senses that fundamentally make us stand out and distinguished from all other organisms. Since humans’ common sense has led them to achieving all they have today, if common sense says the God is there, God must be there. God does exist. This is self-evident. Nothing gets made unless it has been intended and somebody has done it. We want a chair and we go to the carpenter. We want a skyscraper and we approach the engineers and the architects. We want a treatment for some medicine and we go to the doctor. All of this is done purposefully because we have a belief that when somebody tries, there is an outcome. So we tend to approach the right people for the task at hand. So this is understood that there has to be a creator for everything. There is definitely a limit to what humans can create. Through research, we have come to know that man has the maximum brain as compared to all other organisms and this is the reason why man is able to create much more and far better things than all other plants or animals. While there is a limit to human brains and so to the humans’ creations, there is somebody who has got more brains than the humans and is thus able to create the whole universe. Like we create buildings, airplanes, trains, computers, internet and all the technology, there is somebody who has created us, the plants, the animals, the sun, the moon, the stars and everything that we see around us and are not able to create no matter how much we try. That somebody is God. If we place a piece of paper upon a table, it would stay there for centuries and centuries unless someone comes and removes it. When a piece of paper cannot move on its own, we are bound to think of someone that is moving the sun, the moon and the Earth and is taking care of the whole solar system. There is somebody that is transforming the day into the night and the night into the day, and that is God. Whatever happens in this world, happens for a reason. Nothing is meaningless. A woman’s breast doesn’t milk unless she gives birth to a baby. We know that in the nascent stage, milk is all that a baby asks for, and there is somebody who is not only intelligent enough to understand this, but is also powerful enough to provide the baby with the milk from the source that is the most authenticated and the best well-wisher of the baby i.e. the baby’s mother. Witnessing all this, man that has been made with brains is bound to think of somebody who understands everybody’s needs and provides everybody with them. It is not the mother who can ever produce the milk unless there is someone who intends it and is powerful enough to do, and that is God. This universe has one rule. W hat is right feels right and what is wrong feels wrong. Nothing bad that one does makes one feel good. One lies and one feels bad about it. One cheats and one feels bad about it. One steals and one repents. One murders and one faces the consequences. All these acts i.e. lying, cheating, stealing and murdering are strictly forbidden by religion that comes from God. If there is one entity that abstains us from doing everything that we know is wrong, that entity is bound to be right and just. Not only this, we have even stronger reason to believe in God. After every sin, when we make apology to God, it makes us feel good. While only good things make

Sunday, October 27, 2019

An Introduction To Encryption And Decryption

An Introduction To Encryption And Decryption CHAPTER 1 This thesis proposes a VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) design of Encryption and Decryption Algorithm for Data. In this chapter, the challenges of cryptography is firstly presented. This chapter also briefly discusses the problem definition, scope of work and the thesis objectives are also highlighted.Finally, the chapter end with the chapter organization. The dissertation presentation is provided at the end 1.1 An introduction to Encryption and Decryption, a type of cryptography Encryption and Decryption, a type of cryptography, refers to the process of scrambling information so that the observer cannot be detecting the data. Cryptographic key is a piece of data used to encrypt or decrypt to plaintext. (Alex Brennen V., 2004) The Crypto, from the word cryptographic mean is it has its origins in the Greek word KRUOTOS, which means hidden. Thus the objective of cryptography is to hide information so that only the intended recipient can read it.[2] . Cryptographic is a protocol or method of performing encryption and decryption (Alex Brennen V., 2004). There are two types of cryptographic: symmetric and asymmetric key. Figure 1.1 is example a symmetric cryptographic has a single key, which is used for both encrypting and decrypting information. Data Encryption and Decryption is a well-known example of symmetric cryptographic. In symmetric cryptographic, public-key cryptographic uses complementary pair of keys to divided the process of encryption and decryption. This process is shown in Figure 1.2. This part is discuss about the symmetric-key cryptographic only.[3]. The proposed projects is to create the algor ithms where it is use to convert of information, rearranging the original massage produce output referred as ciphertext Plaintext Plaintext Ciphertext Key Figure 1.1: Symmetric Cryptographic Plaintext Plaintext Ciphertext Encryption Key and Decryption Key Figure 1.2: Public-Key Cryptographic 1.2 Problem Statement At present there are many encryption and decryption, especially in the communication system provided in a variety of application. Encryption and decryption is particularly impacted in the field of military communications and reliable security data to protection for transmitting. This ciphertext is used in the military is to send information such as direction, strategy, secret codes and other information that can not be know by the national foe during the war.[4] Creating this system is the process by which information can not be detect by the national foe. The information can not be recognizing by the national foe because this system is using the process to encrypt data and decrypt data. [4] 1.3 Scopes of Work Based on available software resources, limited time frame and expertise, this research project is narrowed down to the following scope of work: 1. The project is only to design fixed 64-bit input of data block size, 64-bit output of data block size and 56-bit of key size based on an Encryption and Decryption algorithm . 2. The projects is limited to design, to synthesis, to simulate and to verify the design in Altera Quartus II software. Objective The project are to create a system that can protect electronic data (secret information) which Consist of encryption and decryption process and to fully design an encryption and decryption algorithm using VHDL. The objectives of this project are To understand how the Encryption and Decryption process. To fully design an Encryption algorithm and Decryption algorithm using VHDL. Encryption and decryption which support 64-bit input of data block size, 64-bit output of data block size and 56-bit of key size. To make use Quartus II software as a design and synthesis tool. 1.4 Chapter Organization Chapter 1: This chapter starts with an Introduction which highlights the problems under investigation by describing the status of problem conceptually and theoretically. It contains the introduction of the thesis, problem statement and scope of study, objective of the project, and the chapter organization. Chapter 2: This chapter is a Literature Review that compiles the studies done by others based on the title of the project. Under the literature review, this chapter discussed on the features need to be include in designing the system. Chapter 3:. The methodology chapter describes the steps that has been taken while doing the project from the beginning until the end. The main content of the chapter are the flow charts and the description of each step of the process. Chapter 4: This chapter presents the result of the algorithm and discussion observed. The results obtained are presented as a series of figures, tables, with textual description and discussion. The analysis outcome of the research is also discussed in relation to the evidences obtained from project work and theories reported in Literature Review . Chapter 5: The chapter is the Conclusion of the thesis and which signalized the whole project a done CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0. Overview This chapter is to introduce the host range of background information and research for this thesis. Most methods have been widely used to determine how the process of encryption and decryption. Theoretical method is presented using the VHDL. Chooses the VHDL programming for design encryption and decryption because this programming is very direct forward is compare other programming. For example Cadence and C++ programming. Both programming is very complicated. In this chapter, the Literature review of the research is discussed. The main topics discussed in this chapter are shown below: Symmetric cryptography Encryption Decryption Operations of Encryption and Decryption Data Encryption and Decryption VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) 2.1. Symmetric key cryptography The symmetric key scheme is the conventional method of cryptography. The scheme uses the similar key to encode and decode in information. In a symmetric key algorithm, in the normal case, the communication only uses only one key. For example if Z user Z sends the secret symmetric key to an X user before the start of the communication between them. Part Z and X use the same symmetric key to encryption and decryption the message. Encryption and Decryption are example of symmetric key algorithm. Figure 2.2 shows the symmetric key cryptography. The symmetric key algorithm is faster than an asymmetric key algorithm. There are two classes of symmetric key cryptography as block ciphers and stream ciphers. [6] Plaintext X Plaintext Z Encryption and Decryption Symmetric Key Figure 2.1: The symmetric key cryptography 2.2 Block Cipher Block cipher is a type of symmetric-key decryption and encryption algorithm. The symmetric-key decryption and encryption that is a fixed length block of plaintext data into block ciphertext data. The block size is 64 bit. The block size can be upgrade to 128 bit, 256 bit or 512 bit if the process becomes advanced. Block ciphers operate on large blocks of data. The encryption and decryption of plaintext with a block cipher will result in the same when the same key is used. From the figure 2.3, it can be seen that show the Block Cipher Plaintext Plaintext Block Cipher Encryption and Block Cipher Decryption Symmetric Key Figure 2.2: Block Cipher 2.3 Stream Cipher Stream cipher is a type of symmetric encryption and decryption algorithm. Stream ciphers much faster than any block cipher. Stream ciphers operate on smaller units of plaintext. The encryption and decryption of plaintext with a stream cipher will result in the same when the same key is used. From the figure 2.3, it can be seen that show the Stream Cipher Plaintext Plaintext Stream Cipher Encryption and Stream Cipher Decryption Symmetric Key Figure 2.2: Stream Cipher Advantages of Symmetric Key Cryptography The main advantages of symmetric key (public key) cryptography are improved security and expediency. Other major advantages from the symmetric key (public key) are that they can provide a technique for digital signatures. Verification via secret-key system requires a shared secret and sometimes requires trust of a third party. For example, Kerberos verification system involves a button-secret data center that stores copies of all user secret key. An attack on the database will enable the falsification of the system. Public key verification, on the other hand, prevents of rejection, and each user has a responsibility to protect his private key. [7] 2.3 Disadvantages of Symmetric -Key Cryptography The disadvantage of symmetric cryptography is that it presumes two parties have agreed on a key and been able to exchange that key in a secure manner prior to communication. This is a significant challenge. Symmetric algorithms are usually mixed with public key algorithms to obtain a blend of security and speed. Disadvantage of using symmetric-key cryptography for encryption and decryption is faster. There are popular secret-key encryption and decryption technique that are considerably faster than any at present available symmetric-key encryption and decryption technique. However, public-key cryptography can be used by means of secret-key cryptography to obtain the optimum of both worlds. For encryption, the optimum solution is to join together with public-key and secret-key systems in order to obtain both the security advantages of public-key systems and the velocity advantages of secret-key systems. The public-key system can be make use of to encrypt a secret key which is make use of to encrypt the bulk of a information or message. Public-key cryptography may be vulnerable to impersonation, although, also furthermore if usersà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ private keys are not available. A successful assail attack pounce on a certification authority will permit a national foe to impersonate whomever the adversary pick out to by using a public-key certificate from the compromised authority to bind a key of the national foe choice to the name of another user In some plight, public-key cryptography is not obligatory and secret-key cryptography alone is enough. This belonging to environments where secure secret-key assent can take place, for example by users confluence in private. It also belonging environments where a sole authority knows and manages all the keys. Formerly the authority knows everyoneà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s keys already there is not much excess for some to be public and others private. And yet, public-key cryptography is normally not obligatory in a single-user environment. Example, if want to keep personal message or information encrypted, can do so with any secret-key encryption algorithm using personal password as the secret key. Furthermore, public-key cryptography is optimum equivalent for an open multi-user environment. Public-key cryptography is not intention to substitute secret-key cryptography, but nevertheless to complementary it, to make it more safety [8] 2.4 Encryption Encryption is a form of cryptography that to change the plaintext into ciphertext. A cipher is a algorithms for the encryption. Encryption is the principle of such security step as digital signatures, digital certificates, and the public key infrastructure. Computer-based encryption method use keys to encrypt and decrypt information. A key is in binary number. The key is one part of the encryption process. It must be used in connection with an encryption algorithm to generate the cipher text. Encryption is the symmetric or asymmetric. Ciphers were repeatedly used directly for Encryption without supplement procedures such as ratification. The extremely used kind of encryption is symmetric Encryption, which is aptly named for the reason that it uses one key for both the encryption and decryption system [9] 2.5 Decryption Decryption is the opposite or moving from the ciphertext back to the plaintext. A cipher is a algorithms for the decryption. The specification operation of a cipher is to manage with both by the algorithm and in each example by a key. Decryption is the symmetric or asymmetric. Ciphers were repeatedly used directly for decryption without supplement procedures such as ratification. The extremely used kind of decryption is symmetric decryption, which is aptly named for the reason that it uses one key for both the encryption and decryption system [10]. 2.6 Operations of Encryption and Decryption An encryption and decryption scheme consists of three Standard algorithms: A Key Generation Algorithm. For a symmetric key, this is often an algorithm that simply picks a random key of a certain length. The symmetric key scheme is the conventional method of cryptography. The scheme uses the similar key to encode and decode in information. An Encryption Algorithm. This takes as input a message (or plaintext) and some kind of key, and outputs a ciphertext. Encryption is to change the plaintext into ciphertext A decryption algorithm. This takes as input a ciphertext and some kind of key, and outputs a message.Decryption is to change the ciphertext back to the plaintext 2.7 Data Encryption and Decryption This system works by encrypting and decrypting groups of only 64 message bits, which is the same as 16 hexadecimal number. To do the encryption and decryption, this system uses symmetric keys where are also apparently 16 hexadecimal number long, or 64 bits long. However, every 8th key bit is ignored in this algorithm, so that the effective key size is 56 bits. But, in any case, 64 bits (16 hexadecimal digits) is the round number upon which Encryption and Decryption is organized. The process is explain in Figure 1.2, it can be seen that the process of encrypt and decrypt, if take the plaintext message is 2872762F771B15E8, and encrypt it with the key 0000000000000001, the ciphertext produced 1234567890987654. If the ciphertext is decrypted with the same secret key 0000000000000001, the result is the original plaintext 2872762F771B15E8. Input data 2872762F771B15E8 Key Encryption Ciphertext 123345678890987654 Key Decryption Key Original input 2872762F771B15E8 Figure 1.2: Simple Block Diagram Process Encryption and Decryption using Feistel Algorithm 2.4 VHDL History (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) In order to complete the design, the VHDL is one of the most important tools used. Device description language VHDL is a great acronym stands for the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description language. It was originally developed on the orders of the U.S Department of Defense. They need a more efficient way to document the behavior of the ASIC design service companies were present.[11,12] It was developed as an alternative to the huge, highly complex manuals that were the norm. The idea to simulate such a description was immediately an attractive prospect and logic simulators were developed could take a VHDL description as input. From here synthesis to the hardware level became a focus of study and still is. Current state-of the- art synthesis tools can create hardware for a large subset of the VHDL language and should at least support the synthesizable subset in IEEE1076.6-1999. The syntax of VHDL was derived from Ada, with constructs added to handle the parallelism th at appears in hardware designs. The language is strongly typed and case insensitive. [13,14] The initial version of the language that was presented in the IEEE standard 1076-1987 was somewhat limited and a new version appeared in 1993 in IEEE standard 1079-1993, which improved the consistency of the language. There have been various reviews and updates to the standard of the languages since, but the 1993 version is the most prominent and widely used. Both versions of the language ignored the need for a multi-valued logic type which is where the IEEE standard 1164 comes in.[15] This standard defines a 9-valued logic type called standard logic. This has become the standard type to use for multi-valued logic in VHDL descriptions. The language has been further extended in a series of libraries. One such library is the numeric std library which implements a signed and unsigned type. These types allow for arithmetic to be performed on arbitrarily sized logic vectors. [16] 2.4 VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) In order to complete the design, the VHDL is one of the most important tools used. Device description language VHDL is a great acronym stands for the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description language. It was originally developed on the orders of the Department of Defense. They need a more efficient way to document the behavior of the ASIC design service companies were present.[ represented 11,12] VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) was originally adopted by the U.S Department of Defense. The initial version of VHDL, designed to IEEE standard 1076-1987, included a wide range of data types, including numerical (integer and real), logical (bit and boolean), character and time, plus arrays of bit called bit_vector and of character called string. [16] [1] Laura E.Hunter,Brian Barber,Melissa Craft,Norris L.Johnson Jr,Jeffery A Martin,Tony Piltzecker. MCSE. Implementing PKI in a Window Server 2003 Network.Chapter 4.Page 185 [2] Mohan Krishnamurthy, Eric S.Seagren, Raven Alder, Aaron W.Bayles, Josh Burke, Skip Carter Eli Faskha How to Cheat at Securing [3] Dr.Everett F.Carter jr,Jeremy Faircloth,Curtis Franklin jr,Larry Loeb, Hack Proofing XML Page:193 [4] The Point Of Encryption By Dr.Colin Walter,Available at [5] Aram Khalili, Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland. Available at [6] D. Richard Kuhn ,Vincent C. Hu ,W. Timothy Polk, Shu-Jen Chang ,National Institute of Standards and Technology Introduction to Public Key Technology and the Federal PKI Infrastructure [6.5] Contributed by LE Webmaster Kerberos Authentication System Available at option=com_contentdo_pdf [7]. Advantaged of Public-Key Cryptography ,Available at [8] Disadvantages of Public-Key Cryptography ,Available at [9] Manuel Mogollon University Of Dallas USA.Cryptography and Security services. Page: 51 [10] Mohan Krishnamurthy, Eric S.Seagren,Raven Alder, Aaron W.Bayles,Josh Burke,Skip Carter Eli Faskha How To Cheat at Securing Linux .page:251 [11]. Copyright  © 1999 by John F. Wakerly Combinational Logic Design Principles,The VHDL Hardware Design Language. Page :1-35. [12] Deepak Jain . Object Oriented Programming Constructs in VHSIC Hardware Description Language, Delhi Institute of Advanced Studies [13] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE 1076-1987: IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual, 1987 [14] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE Std 1076.6-1999: IEEE Standard for VHDL Register Transfer Level (RTL) synthesis, 1999. [15] Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE 1076-1993: IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual, 1993. [16] E.P.M. van Diggele. Translation of SystemC to Synthesizable VHDL, MSc Thesis, Delft University of Technology.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Edgar Allan Poes Writing Essay -- The Raven, The Black Cat, Tell-Tale

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The literary style of Edgar Allan Poe is very dark and has many supernatural connotations. He showed this style in the stories that he wrote such as: The Raven, The Black Cat, and The Tell-Tale Heart. He also wrote many other stories that showed his dark style of writing; however I felt that these stories portrayed his style the best. Many sources think that the reason Poe had such a dark literary style was because of the events that occurred in his life. Some of these events included his father dying, and soon after that his mother died. Many more loved ones' deaths preceded. This put Poe into a state of mind that made him very depressed and some believe that this is where he got his inspiration for his writing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In The Raven, Poe starts off the story with ?Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary.?(Complete 7) This shows how he sets up the setting for the story. This sentence makes you think of a dark lonely night. This is a good example of how Poe?s literary style is dark. Poe also wrote ?Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December, and each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. Eagerly I wished the morrow;---vainly I had sought to borrow from books surcease of sorrow---sorrow for the lost Lenore---for the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore---nameless here for evermore? (Complete 7). This is a dark poem of lost love. Whether he was referring to his mother, father or perhaps another loved one is unknown. In the fourth stanza Poe speaks of ?Darkness there, and nothing more?(Complete 8) which allows us to see how alone he must have felt. Later in the story he refers to a bird that is sitti ng above his chamber door. He talks to the bird and gets frustrated with it because all it will ever say to him is ?Nevermore.? You can tell that the narrator is dying to have some kind of social interaction with someone or something but not even the bird will give it to him. He tries to get the bird to leave him alone, but all that the bird does is sit there and continue to say ?Nevermore? (Complete 10). This frustrates him and he says ?Leave my loneliness unbroken! ---quit the bust above the door! Take thy beak out of my heart, and take thy form from off my door! Quoth the Raven, Nevermore.?(Complete 13) He wants to feel sorry for himself and he is sick of the bird repeating to him ?Neve... ...ting style was very dark and sad. In many of his stories there is the death of a loved one or a friend. These stories reflected the real events that happened in Poe?s life. Throughout The Raven, The Black Cat, and A Tell-Tale Heart you can see Poe?s dark style, supernatural influences, and all of the sad thoughts that were running through his mind. Works Cited Edgar?s Childhood. 3 April 2004 Edgar?s Teens. 3 April 2004 Hart, Richard. ?The Supernatural in Edgar Allan Poe? E.A. Poe Society of Baltimore. 11 April 2004. Poe, Edgar A. ?The Black Cat.? Litterature: Reading poetry, fiction, and drama. Ed. Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2002. 131-137. Poe, Edgar A. ?The Raven.? The Complete Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. J.H. Whitty. Houghton, Mifflin and Company. Boston, Mass. New York, N.Y. 1911 Poe, Edgar A. ?The Tell-Tale Heart?. 12 April 2004. Weston, Debbie. ?The Jingle Man: Edgar Allan Poe.? Monkeyshines on America December 2003. Virginia Issue. Part 1. p25. 2p.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Daily Express and the front page of The Times Essay

Write a comparison of the two or three articles on the inside page of the Daily Express and the front page of The Times, explaining how the two pieces are appropriate for the newspaper for which they are written. The reported story is that Peter Foster helped Cherie Blaire buy two flats in Bristol, while not knowing that Peter Foster is a fraudster. The Daily Mail released the story, followed by a front page article. The Daily Mail is a tabloid and uses a huge heading, wanting to use this story to attract lots of readers and pass on their message. The Times is a broadsheet and therefore does not use such a large heading but has a balanced view, on this story, giving facts and opinions. The Daily use a medium sized picture which is unflattering, as Cherie Blair looks very stressed out, guilty, panicked and very untidy as her hair is out of place. She is looking desperate and it looks like she regrets what’s she done and wishes she could turn back time. This picture is a really emotive picture which makes the reader feels remorse for her. Her make up does not match her clothes; this is showing that is feeling too stressed to care about the way she looks. In The Times the central picture is of Cherie Blair and is very huge. The Times show a very emotive picture of Cherie Blair; she is looking up, this shows she is looking up to God and asking him to help her. This picture also shows weakness, which makes the reader think that Cherie Blair has done something very wrong; her make up is worn out again as it was in The Daily Mail this shows she has much more important things to think about and really cannot be bothered to re apply her make up when it wears away. In The Evening Standard the image is showing a completely different style from The Times and The Daily Mail. The background of the picture is red, this shows The Evening Standard supports the Labour Party as red represents them; also this is a colour that expresses love and affection. This means Tony Blair supports Cherie Blair and he is showing his affection to his wife. Cherie Blair has her eyes closed this shows they are very close together; and this shows whatever Cherie Blair does it affects her husband. You can’t see Cherie Blair’s arms, this making look like they are merging together. They are focusing more on Cherie Blair; you can see this because there is more of her face than his. Cherie Blair is shown wearing some jeweller, this shows not only is she posh but she is also a mother, wearing make up shows her femininity. All images give a huge impact on the article and fits with what they are saying. The Daily Mail’s headline is â€Å"Cherie gives her story†. They have written it all in capital letters to make it stand out more. The word â€Å"story† implies that The Daily Mail thinks she has made it up because story means made up. Also story means there is not only one view but two views on this. The headline of The Daily Mail is written in very huge font size and takes up much more than the actual article. Instead of the strap line which The Times has in the beginning, they use topic sentence. The topic sentence is in bold and the first word of the caption is in capital. The caption gives us a quick idea what the article is about. It gives some space between the headline and pictures. The Time’s headline is â€Å"I am not a superwomen- I am sorry†. This headline shows that she just a normal human being and made a mistake just as every other human makes mistakes. The Times has two strap lines so that we know the two main things the article is about. They say she admits she made two mistakes and makes the readers against her. The Times use medium sized bold writing. For the strap lines they use two bullet points one and font is smaller than the headline. They have done this to show the strap lines are important and tell the reader the things discussed in the article. Underneath the article is written in smaller font but Cherie Blair’s name in the beginning is written in capital letters and slightly bigger than the rest of article. The by line, in The Times, is written in slightly bigger font size the article whereas in The Daily Mail the by line only the name of the person that the article is written by is bold and bigger font size than the rest of the text. The writing does not have hardly any space between them. The Evening Standard headline say â€Å"I’m very proud of Cherie†, it is written this is saying that Tony Blair agrees fully with his wife. Eyes are drawn to headline because it is bigger and bolder than The Times and The daily Mail. It uses topic sentence to start off the article just as The Daily Mail does. The topic sentence is bolder and slightly bigger than the rest of the text. Tony Blair names written in bold and capital letters, they did this to divert the attention to Tony Blair and say it’s not only Cherie fault but Tony Blair’s fault too. They use lots of spaces between text and heading.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Variasian Experience Analysis Art Essay

VariAsian was held at the University Cultural Centre Dance Studio in NUS on 12th March 2011. It was the 6th NUS Arts Festival and they had many different creative persons from different Fieldss and different states to come down and execute in jubilation of this festival. The public presentation was about the disregarded times of the past. With the new and up universe of engineering, we tend to bury the memories and the things we one time loved buttocks. What we used to play with when we were kids such as the five rocks, hopscotch and the congkak is now replaced with high engineering games such as the play-station games and the iPhones. The new coevals of childs are now exposed to the new appliances that would do the traditional games ‘disappear ‘ even faster. Sometimes as life base on ballss us by, we tend to go forth those memories behind to be forgotten whereas VariAsian brings us back to the life we used to hold, when everything was simple and was about holding merriment with friends compared to the complexnesss of the current engineerings that people are so caught up with now. ‘When the bell rings†¦ ‘ by Sufri Juwahir was the gap act of the eventide. He was invited to be a invitee choreographer in this production. This piece was performed in silence and the terpsichoreans used the sound of their motions, their breath their linguas and the slippers that they wore throughout the piece as their music. It started out with five pupils have oning bag battalions and slippers with ice pick in their custodies. They walked onto the phase with boxes laid out as chairs and continued to eat their icy comeuppances. They easy started speaking and before you could register what they said, their words became sounds. Like a codification linguistic communication that merely your friends that know you would understand, but the people that does non cognize you every bit good, would non. The conversation started acquiring intense and looked like they were reasoning or contending over something, like how childs would reason over bantam things. One started to travel off from the others, one Saturday on the floor alternatively of the ‘chair ‘ , one was being nescient to everything that is around her and merely concentrating on eating her ice pick while the other two tried to work out the state of affairs. I reminded me of how I was when I was a pupil in primary school during my lunch interr uption. My friends and I would ever play with the five rocks and hopscotch. Sometimes when there are misinterpretations or merely kick unreasonable statements, we would travel off in different waies but the following twenty-four hours, it would travel back to the same modus operandi with the games and it would be a normal twenty-four hours in school. It was the same for this piece of work. They developed from words to sounds so from sounds into motions. They were confronting different waies and at their ain single infinite on phase. The blocks on phase were moved and were now their private infinite, their safe topographic point. They were ‘speaking their heads ‘ through motions, seeking to talk what they feel. The motions that we used were about similar but after awhile, they started making the same motions like they were doing up for the battle. They easy came together and stacked the boxes into a wall for a game of fell and seek. They would take bends to conceal behind the wall of blocks and making the same motions. The 1s that were caught would take a block and played a game of ‘hitting the slipper ‘ . Two of them that we caught formed a pyramid of their slippers on top of the blocks and the game is to strike hard it down with another slipper. One by one got caught and every bit shortly as the two misss formed their pyramid, the remainder mes sed with it and destroyed it intentionally over and over once more like how toughs in schools would pick on you over and over. It happened once more and once more until the two misss picked up their slippers and started dancing with the slippers on their custodies, standing up for themselves against those toughs. They broke out and they all were playing their single games. Some played with their bags, some played with a friend and one was playing the congkak, a long disregarded game, by herself in the corner. It felt like she was conveying back the memory of the game or conveying back an old memory of something she had forgotten for rather some clip and so did the others. All their motions were related to that congkak in one manner or another. Either doing sounds and noises like the beads that hits the wooden base or puting on the floor like the congkak and merely moves when person touches it or places it someplace else. When the miss played with the existent congkak, the others fol lowed her by imitated the motions or the sounds like they were remembering the yearss of their childhood when they used to play that game. Like how when you were younger, you had more freedom to make whatever you wanted with lesser jobs and things to believe about. The lone thing that mattered was that every twenty-four hours that was spent was an gratifying one. This piece was concentrating more on the narrative is wants to state alternatively of the technique and the motion as it was largely gestures that were used and game playing. It was a public presentation that people can associate to and can see themselves in it as it was something that everyone has gone through earlier in their lives. It was about the memories that we keep throughout our lives and the ideas that are most cherished to you. There might be times when you merely want to throw a specific memory off but no affair what you do, you can look to allow it travel. It depends on us if we want those memories to populate on or non. We have the power to do it come back or let it to vanish everlastingly. Traditions that used to be so close to our Black Marias that was passed down to us from our great grandmas are now on the brink of extinction due to the engineering that has been overmastering our universe. How it can take away traditions and take off cherished memories that have yet to go through down to our coevals of kids. Even though those memories or experiences that we ‘ve went through are mistily at that place, it will ever linger in our heads particularly those that affairs. As for the 2nd piece, it had more of an wellbeing and playful sort of feel compared to the first. ‘Variasian ‘ which is the name of this piece was choreographed by Zaini Mohd Tahir. He is the Artistic Director, the Resident Choreographer and the laminitis of the NUS Dance Ensemble. This piece was besides about the games we play and how games used to be simpler when we were younger and how it became more complex as we grew older but we ne'er stop playing. It merely advanced into a more technological version of the traditional games. Some games we grew up with and some had to turn up with us but we still play. There were a choir standing at the sides of the phase when we walked into the studio of where it took topographic point. As I sat down, they started singing. I had thought I walked into the incorrect public presentation infinite. After they were done with the first vocal, the terpsichoreans came out and started running about on phase playing the really old and traditional game that people still play today, the ‘scissors, paper, rock ‘ game. When the say the word ‘stone ‘ , they had to remain still in whatever place they were in and travel when the said the remainder. Watching them reminded me of how I used to love playing that game during recess period when I was in primary school. The volume and the velocity of the game increased as each unit of ammunition passed until it got so feverish and helter-skelter in the public presentation infinite. Their voices got louder and louder every 2nd and it felt like it could make the other side of the school evidences. Th en all of a sudden there were silence and terpsichoreans started vanishing into the wings go forthing half the sum of terpsichoreans on phase. As the terpsichoreans were easy vanishing, the choir sang a slow and dramatic vocal while walking through the infinite on phase, from one side to the other like altering the chapter in a narrative or a drama. The terpsichoreans get downing dancing with flow like motions that looked like they were drifting through the infinite. Their motions and the choir mashed and complimented each other attractively like a absolutely fitted pealing on your finger. Their motions were insistent throughout the piece but they changed it a small by utilizing cannons and different degrees. Once the vocal was over, the terpsichoreans at the side wings rolled in with a cute, wellbeing vocal that came on. It sounded like a vocal you would here when you play a specific game in the arcade. The terpsichoreans were like the life in the games with green and pink lighting , it made it experience like we were besides in the game. Some were ‘crabbing ‘ sideways while the others are running and jumping around them like they were supposed to catch them in order to win. That had to be my favorite portion of the whole public presentation. Then there was a sudden alteration in music and a techno like vocal came on and all the terpsichoreans ran off except for one cat, merely standing at that place like it was his clip to reflect and acquire the limelight, and that ‘s what he did. He started ‘Para Para ‘ dancing entirely in the center of the phase. Para Para is an arcade game that you play entirely where there are colored pointers lined with electronic detectors, and you have to dance and hit all the pointers to win. Slowly all the terpsichoreans came on phase and joined him in his game of Para Para but one by one they could n't catch up and died like they lost the game. One by one collapsed onto the floor and including the male terpsichorean who looked like the male monarch of the game. Surprisingly, the last one standing was a miss and she walked off with an evil laughter with deathly music following her as she left the phase. It was such an unexpected stoping for the piece and I think it made it more interesting and made an impact on me. I left the public presentation with that stoping tarriance in my caput throughout the dark. The eventide was a really interesting one as it genuinely spoke to me and I could associate to both pieces in many ways. It was a dark that took me through memory lane.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Universal Living Wage essays

The Universal Living Wage essays According to the 2002 Human Development Report, from the United Nations Development Program, of the 6.2 billion people on earth, 1.2 billion live on less than $1 a day for their hard work. This would be fine if they were able to afford basic food, clothing, shelter, and access to health care on this amount. Unfortunately, no one can. All across the world, people are desperate to work, but the wages they are paid wont afford them even the basic necessities in life. According to Global Inc., an Atlas of the Multinational Corporations by Medard Gabel and Henry Bruner, there were 63,000 multinationals in 2003 that are taking advantage of this impoverished situation with their 821,000 subsidiaries. They are globetrotters in the pursuit of the bottom line. (Bruner These companies attach themselves to no single country. Instead, they operate without ties and allegiance to any nation or any group of nations. While they unabashedly pursue maximum capitalism, some of their business application practices come into question. Their pursuit of riches along with their lack of allegiance leads them to make their businesses mobile. They locate their operations in the direct vicinity of the lowest paid workers around the world. Once it becomes cost effective to abandon one cheap source of labor or workers start to organize in an effort to improve their working conditions or raise their wages, the parent organization picks up and leaves. Jobs that started in the United States shifted to Mexico in pursuit of the $5.00 a day wage. Recently, those jobs shifted from Mexico to Haiti and China where workers are earning $4.00 a day wages. (Bruner It is estimated that one in ten jobs will be outsourced to countries like India by the end of 2004. At the end of five years, it is expected that this will no longer be cost effective and those same jobs will move to China. (Bruner & Gabel, 2004) The fact that these trans-nationa...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Boxing match Essays

Boxing match Essays Boxing match Essay Boxing match Essay Eddies jealousy begins to spiral out of control when he tries to manipulate Rodolfo in the boxing match. Eddie has been making snide comments about Rodolfo being too friendly with Catherine and too casual with his money. Eddie suspiciously invites Rodolfo to box after mentioning going to see a boxing match as a treat. Meanwhile the other family members observe. Sure hes terrific! Look at him go! (Rodolfo lands a blow.) Ats it! Now, watch out, here I come, Danish! (He feints with his left hand and lands with his right, it mildly staggers Rodolfo. Marco rises.) Eddie uses his power as head of the household to humiliate Rodolfo, comparing his strength to Rodolfos femininity; Eddie is trying to show this to the other characters. Eddies motive for the boxing match could have been to show who was boss however Eddie could have just wanted to share an interest with Rodolfo in teaching him how to box. It could have been interpreted as a fight for Catherine in a way that Eddie wants to tell Rodolfo to back off. Marco realises Eddies manipulative behaviour and defends Rodolfo. Marco is face to face with Eddie, a strain tension gripping his eyes and jaw, his neck stiff, the chair raised like a weapon over Eddies head and he transforms what might appear like a glare of warning into a smile of triumph, and Eddies grin vanishes as he absorbs his look. This suggests that Marco is trying to show Eddie that he will defend Rodolfo. This also implies that Eddie may now feel threatened by Marco, he may also feel embarrassed that Marco can do something he cannot, and it may make him feel weak. Miller creates a tense atmosphere without the other characters realising. Eddie has gone to see Alfieri and is trying to find out if there is a law that can stop Rodolfo and Catherines relationship. Alfieri makes a comment about Eddie. His eyes were like tunnels; my first thought was that he had committed a crime, but I soon saw it was only a passion that had moved into his body, like a stranger. This suggests that Alfieri is trying to tell Eddie that he loves Catherine more than he thinks. It could also tell the reader that the overpowering love is the reason for Eddies immediate, pointless dislike and jealousy towards Rodolfo. Eddies feelings shine through when his jealously leads to bizarre behaviour towards Catherine and Rodolfo. Rodolfo is trying to hint and flirt with Catherine, they are alone at home. Not for anything to eat. (Pause) I have nearly three hundred dollars. Catherine? Rodolfo is indicating that he is hungry for her love and that he now has enough money to make a life of their own hoping that she will catch on. The pause indicating that he wants a response, it also creates a tense atmosphere but it may also show Rodolfo is nervous. Catherine wants to become a woman and hints for Rodolfos help. Teach me. (She is weeping) I dont know anything Rodolfo, hold me Catherine is telling Rodolfo that she wants to make love to him. The fact that she is weeping proves that she truly cares about him and may indicate that she has realised she is no longer Eddies little girl. Eddie comes home early and Catherine and Rodolfo both come to the bedroom doorway, Eddie is angered by this. Eddie, Im not gonna be a baby anymore! You he reaches out suddenly, draws her to him and as she strives to free herself he kisses her on the mouth Eddie may be trying to prove his true feelings for Catherine, and he may be trying to make her feel the same. His jealousy has become overpowering and it could be that he couldnt hold it in any longer. He may also be trying to suggest to her that she doesnt love Rodolfo. Miller has created an awkward atmosphere after the kiss and Rodolfo is standing up for Catherine. Rodolfo flies at him in attack. Eddie pins his arms laughing and suddenly kisses him this implies that Eddie may be trying to prove to Catherine that Rodolfo is homosexual so she will choose not to marry him. In the kissing incident Miller suggests that Eddie has completely fallen in love with Catherine and is trying to prove it to her by kissing her. Miller may also be trying to suggest that Eddie is prepared to do anything to sabotage Catherine and Rodolfos relationship; this could become a big disaster further on in the play because Eddie may resort to violence and more bizarre behaviour to prevent the marriage. Miller has made Eddies jealousy and feelings very obvious to the reader; he has also conjured up a very tense atmosphere. Eddie pays a second visit to Alfieri after the traumatic kissing scene. Eddie has asked Alfieri for advice. Let her go and bless her. (A phone booth begins to glow on the opposite side of the stage; a faint, lonely blue. Eddie stands up, jaws clenched.) Someone had to come for her Eddie, sooner or later. This suggests that Alfieri thinks that Eddie should just let Catherine get on with her life; Alfieri may also be trying to tell Eddie that he can never have Catherine. (Eddie starts turning to go and Alfieri rises with new anxiety.) You wont have a friend in the world Eddie! Even those who understand will turn against you, even the ones who feel the same will despise you! Miller has suggested that the betrayal of Marco and Rodolfo is inevitable by this; it tells the reader that Eddie is almost certainly going to call the immigration bureau. This also suggests that Alfieri is trying to persuade Eddie not to call the immigration bureau however Eddie ignores Alfieri. This portrays that Eddie doesnt care if he does not win over the love of Catherine as long as her and Rodolfo do not spend there lives together. Eddies jealousy has become obvious to the reader and the other characters. Beatrice is talking to Eddie before Marcos arrival. You want something else Eddie, and you can never have her! (Eddie, shocked, horrified his fists clenching). This suggests Eddie is powerless to stop his demon, which is his love for his niece. This is the first time Eddie seems to realise his true feelings for Catherine and recognises his own madness as he lunges for Marco. Marco beats Eddie to the ground. Eddie lunges with the knife This proves that Eddie will do anything to get rid of the cousins, it also portrays that he thinks he is stronger and capable of murder. It also implies that this behaviour is a result of Eddie now being powerless to do anything else. Marco grabs his arm, turning the blade inward and pressing it home Eddie is stabbed with his own knife which is in his own hand. He dies ironically in Beatrices arms. Miller used dramatic techniques to make Eddies initial dislike become an overwhelming jealousy. He used stage directions and language to make Eddies jealousy seem as though it was spiralling out of control. Miller used dramatic techniques to build up atmosphere between the characters that the reader can sense through strong stage directions. If the play was to be acted out there would be no room for direction because Miller used the stage directions to fulfil his purpose which was to create images in the readers head.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

An Overview Of Ambulatory Surgery Centers Nursing Essay

An Overview Of Ambulatory Surgery Centers Nursing Essay An ambulatory surgery center is indication to the surgery that conducted without the need for overnight hospital stay. This term also recognized as outpatient surgery or same day surgery. This surgery in general not type of complicated surgery, it is simpler than the one which requiring hospitalization. This kind of ambulatory surgery is widely used in present time, where the cost of such surgery is low, simple and required less resources where for the inpatient it is essential to keep the patient in the hospital; that mean reserve bed for that patient in the hospital [1]. Another definition can be used here, that ambulatory surgery is â€Å"the performance of planned surgical procedure with the patient being discharged on the same day† [2]. The ambulatory surgery first found in 1909 by James Nicoll, a scottish surgeon, it was called by â€Å"day case surgery†. In 1912 Ralph Walter in the USA adopted this surgery type in the USA. It was unpopular until the 1960s and 19 70s when the traditional surgeries became a bottleneck for most of the USA’s Hospitals, where keeping the patient on holding list and admitted them in the hospital became more expensive, in addition the availability of beds decreased. Walter Reed introduced the ambulatory surgery to USA’s hospital, since then patient manages improved significantly and rapidly with ensuring the patients’ fitness after discharge [2]. Ambulatory surgery form about 90% of all surgery performed nowadays in Canada and USA [6]. The day surgery can achieve high level of quality, cost effective and safe which lead to high level of patient satisfaction [6]. University of California at Los Angeles developed a hospital based on ambulatory surgery unit in 1962, then other units in the USA were opened in 1966 At Gorge Washington university, until big number of ambulatory surgery is opened now in the USA and Canada [7]. Several associations created to developed a strategies and plans to adopt and improve the ambulatory surgery, one of these association is the Federated Ambulatory Surgery Association (FASA), this association founded in the USA since 1974, another 12 national association formed and become member of the International Association for Ambulatory Surgery (IAAS) [8] The advantages from ambulatory surgery system are varied in type, some of these advantages related to patient and their family and some related to the hospitals and the healthcare system as whole. Those advantages for the patient that they will receive more attention from the healthcare team, because the ambulatory surgery designed to serve that patient [9]. The ambulatory patient will return home after receiving the treatment, so it is better to well manage the day surgery units and provide the patient with treatment which allowed them to continue recovering at their family home environment. Small mistakes that could happen for inpatient will not occur to the ambulatory surgery patient, like missin g drug or shot or give different medicine for patient, because in the ambulatory surgery patient is always having everything in plan and no mistakes there [10]. Day surgery is better for children than inpatient surgery where the children will not be separated from their family for long time. The children will be less stressful and feel more comfortable because they can join back their family after that surgery finish [11]. In the European Charter of Children’s Rights states that â€Å"children should be admitted to hospital only if the care they require cannot be equally well provided at home or on a day basis† [12].

Friday, October 18, 2019

Accounting Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Accounting - Assignment Example According to data revealed from the New York Stock Exchange, the company is traded under the ticker symbol of WMT. Currently it yields a price earnings ratio of 15.48 with a beta coefficient of 0.24. With 3,810,170,000 of outstanding shares, the company has a market capitalization of USD 202.47 billion. The performance of Wal-Mart has improved steadily over the last three years. In the year 2007 the company reported an annual turnover of $344759 million which has risen to $401211 million in the year 2009. This marks an increase of nearly 16 percent. The operating cost of the company has remained stable at approximately 95 percent for the last three years. Wal-Mart has been successful in managing the operating costs of the company. There has been a rise in the interest cost on debt of the company that has moved up from $1549 million in 2007 to $1896 million in 2009 which is a rise of nearly 22 percent. This is due to the rise in the debt component of the company. The net income of the company has steadily moved up over the years. In 2007 the company reported a net income of $11284 million that increased to nearly $13400 million in 2009, an increase of nearly 18 percent. The cash position of the company has improved significantly over the previous year. Cash and cash equivalents of the company was $5569 million in 2007 and this increased to $7275 million at the end of the financial year 2009. The current ratio represents the ability of a company to meet its short term liabilities out of its current assets. Investors view current ratio as a measure of the liquidity condition of a company. As per the theories this ratio should be 2:1 which means the company retains current assets which are double the amount of current liabilities, but the bench mark varies from industry to industry. Wal-Mart’s current ratio has improved in 2009 as compared to 2008, hence the company has enhanced its liquidity position and the risk associated with short term solvency

Research Paper Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Research Paper - Assignment Example Furthermore, a questionnaire survey has been conducted with ten respondents in order to recognize their experiences regarding racial disparity of the US criminal justice system. Introduction In the United States (US), the legal system has been developed considerably in order to provide equal treatment to every citizen. However, in the critical fields of law such as in the criminal justice system, increased cases of racism can be observed. Although the criminal justice based regulations in the US are facially unbiased, they are imposed in such a way, which provides biased outcomes. Irrespective of deploying different acts, the US is unable to prohibit discernments based on race. For instance, in the year 1964, the US government had approved Civil Rights Act in order to forbid discernments. However, a considerable proportion of African American individuals were determined to have served certain period of time in prison. Then again, in the year 1968, the US government had passed Fair Ho using Act, yet substantial number of Blacks or Hispanics served in prison cell at that specific period of time (Weich & Angulo, 2011). Although several people believe that the US has overcome discrimination driven history, racism still creates a major impact on the organizational policies and criminal law practices. Focusing on this aspect, the paper intends to assess if the US criminal justice system is racist. Both primary and secondary researches have been conducted in order to evaluate the criminal justice system of the US. As a part of primary research, a survey has been undertaken with ten respondents in order to understand their opinions regarding the subject. Besides, different secondary sources such as textbook and literatures have been evaluated to gather an understanding related to the topic. Literature Review The criminal justice system through which lawbreakers are arrested and penalized is considered as one of the key pillars of democracy. However, in order to stay fea sible, the public must have faith in the justice system. Every phase of criminal justice system i.e. from initial investigation to prosecution, equal treatment of individuals needs to be ascertained. Yet, the US criminal justice system is far from an ideal legal structure. Several researches suggested that in the US, Blacks, Hispanics and other subgroups are mistreated through inconsistent targeting and biased treatments by law enforcement administrators. They are racially charged by discriminatory sentencing activities, resulting in the failure of equitable criminal justice legislations. Context of Racism in the US In the 17th century, racism began to rear its ugly head in different facets in the US such as in the fields of employment and justice system. In the 18th century, the conduct of racial discrimination had increased and became synonymous to the US. During 19th century, race was observed to be a subdivision of human beings that discriminate one individual from others. The g eneral concept of race surfaced in 20th century and continues to impact different legal facets of the US throughout 21st century. In most circumstances, African Americans are historically observed as inferiors across different attributes (SAGE Publications, 2013). The disparate treatment of individuals in the US justice system starts in the initial phase of the system. Police

Character evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Character evaluation - Essay Example It is concluded that Sara as a film character is well-developed and not one-dimensional like other film heros and villains are.    The main theme of the film, faith, is embodied by the character of Sara Crewe. Growing up  to a rich family in India, Sara believes that all girls are princesses. As a young girl, she was encouraged by her father to believe in such things as magic. As a result, Sara became more in touch with the fantasy world than in the banal realities of life. She enjoys reliving and retelling the story of Ramayana, takes pleasure in reading books and playing with expensive dolls, and most importantly, appreciates a world of make-believe that is driven by fantasy. Her being open to the arts, emotions, unconventional ideas, and adventure is what brings life to the movie. Saras open nature has influenced the way she was perceived and treated by the schools headmistress, Miss Minchin, the students, and the servant girl, Becky. During her fist week at school, Sara became an instant favorite among the students because of her ability to tell the story of Ramayana in such a creative and  engaging manner. By imagining that she could talk to her dead mother in heaven, Sara was able to remove the tantrums of Lottie who also lost her mother as a young child. In one of the most  memorable scenes  in the film, a flower vendor offers Sara a bright yellow flower and utters the phrase "For the princess." Sara received the flower with a smile and then, like a princess, took a bow. A turning point in the film, this scene established that all girls are, indeed, princesses regardless of their social and economic status. Saras being open led her to acknowledge and believe what her father has been telling her all along, and which was re-affirmed by the flower vend or.    Sara also acted with a sense of duty, self-discipline, and achievement. Because Sara knew the French language by heart, she felt it was her duty to teach the other students on her free time.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Revolutionary Materials in the Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Revolutionary Materials in the Industry - Essay Example Zeoform’s application ranges from jewelry and musical instruments to structures and interior design. Zeoform is wood-like in texture and can be molded into a very vast range of products. This material is fully non-toxic. Zeoform is biodegradable and is formed by locking up of the molecules of carbon collected from waste into very ecstatic functional things. Zeoform is a revolutionary material because it is not a one of its kind material, but is also environment friendly as it is formed from the processing of waste. Zeoform â€Å"is a ‘game-changing’ technology that will generate a new global industry – much like plastic did in the post-war years. A ubiquitous, eco-friendly material used on all continents in nearly all industries to produce endless, innovative consumer products† (Wheeler cited in Zarkham). Zeoform’s raw materials are in abundance and process of manufacturing is fairly simple. Because of these factors, Zeoform is cost effective and is competitively

Human Rights Act 1998 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Rights Act 1998 - Essay Example In 1998,Parliament enacted the Human Rights Act,which had expressly given effect to Convention rights. Previously, Convention rights under the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms had only indirect application in the UK, when courts voluntarily refer them in their decisions, but domestic courts are not obliged to abide by them. This is because the UK is only bound by the Convention under international law, but not domestically. With the passage of the HRA 1998 however, Convention rights have been domesticated and become part of English law to which courts are obligated to legally defer to in their decisions. Despite the negative reviews that some quarters gave the law, particularly right-leaning groups who think that it impeded the efforts to go after terrorists and politicians who perceived it as fostering the politicisation of the judiciary, the HRA 1998 has a considerable impact on certain aspects of the English legal system. This is particularly true with respect to statutory interpretation and the law on privacy rights. The law has expressly given the judiciary the prerogative to subject legislations to scrutiny to determine if they are consistent with Convention rights, which seems a dilution of the parliamentary sovereignty doctrine. In addition, the HRA 1988 has helped in the development of the common law right to privacy, which was once declared to be absent from the English legal system.... aw, a state can bring an action against another on behalf of its citizen, but a citizen can also bring an action against his own government in the ECHR Court located in Strasbourg. This right was acknowledged by the UK in 1966 (Miles et al 438). Nonetheless, it would take a lot of procedural snags for a UK citizen to hurdle before being allowed to pursue an action at the Strasbourg Court. For one, a UK citizen must exhaust all remedies available to him under domestic laws before a case can be pursued at the ECHR Court. Moreover, an ECHR Court decision favourable to him is not really binding domestically because of sovereignty issues. As a matter of fact the ECHR has limited application domestically and only in the following conditions: to aid the interpretation of domestic laws in cases they are not clear; to guide the judiciary in the exercise of its judicial discretion, and; to establish the extent of common law (Miles et al 438). All of the aforementioned conditions were establish ed in the cases of R v Secretary State for the Home Department, ex parte Brind [1991] AC 696, Attorney General v Guardian Newspaper Ltd [1987] 1 WLR 1248 and Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd [1992] QB 770. In R v Secretary, a group of journalists challenged the Home Secretary’s directive prohibiting the publication of speeches of terrorists. The Court held that the Convention is not part of UK law and can be resorted only when a domestic legislation is ambiguous. On the other hand, in Attorney General v Guardian, which was about the publication of the memoirs of a retired secret service employee, the Court held that the judiciary could look to the ECHR for guidance in the use of its discretionary duty to decide on matters such as duty of confidence. Finally, in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Character evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Character evaluation - Essay Example It is concluded that Sara as a film character is well-developed and not one-dimensional like other film heros and villains are.    The main theme of the film, faith, is embodied by the character of Sara Crewe. Growing up  to a rich family in India, Sara believes that all girls are princesses. As a young girl, she was encouraged by her father to believe in such things as magic. As a result, Sara became more in touch with the fantasy world than in the banal realities of life. She enjoys reliving and retelling the story of Ramayana, takes pleasure in reading books and playing with expensive dolls, and most importantly, appreciates a world of make-believe that is driven by fantasy. Her being open to the arts, emotions, unconventional ideas, and adventure is what brings life to the movie. Saras open nature has influenced the way she was perceived and treated by the schools headmistress, Miss Minchin, the students, and the servant girl, Becky. During her fist week at school, Sara became an instant favorite among the students because of her ability to tell the story of Ramayana in such a creative and  engaging manner. By imagining that she could talk to her dead mother in heaven, Sara was able to remove the tantrums of Lottie who also lost her mother as a young child. In one of the most  memorable scenes  in the film, a flower vendor offers Sara a bright yellow flower and utters the phrase "For the princess." Sara received the flower with a smile and then, like a princess, took a bow. A turning point in the film, this scene established that all girls are, indeed, princesses regardless of their social and economic status. Saras being open led her to acknowledge and believe what her father has been telling her all along, and which was re-affirmed by the flower vend or.    Sara also acted with a sense of duty, self-discipline, and achievement. Because Sara knew the French language by heart, she felt it was her duty to teach the other students on her free time.

Human Rights Act 1998 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Human Rights Act 1998 - Essay Example In 1998,Parliament enacted the Human Rights Act,which had expressly given effect to Convention rights. Previously, Convention rights under the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms had only indirect application in the UK, when courts voluntarily refer them in their decisions, but domestic courts are not obliged to abide by them. This is because the UK is only bound by the Convention under international law, but not domestically. With the passage of the HRA 1998 however, Convention rights have been domesticated and become part of English law to which courts are obligated to legally defer to in their decisions. Despite the negative reviews that some quarters gave the law, particularly right-leaning groups who think that it impeded the efforts to go after terrorists and politicians who perceived it as fostering the politicisation of the judiciary, the HRA 1998 has a considerable impact on certain aspects of the English legal system. This is particularly true with respect to statutory interpretation and the law on privacy rights. The law has expressly given the judiciary the prerogative to subject legislations to scrutiny to determine if they are consistent with Convention rights, which seems a dilution of the parliamentary sovereignty doctrine. In addition, the HRA 1988 has helped in the development of the common law right to privacy, which was once declared to be absent from the English legal system.... aw, a state can bring an action against another on behalf of its citizen, but a citizen can also bring an action against his own government in the ECHR Court located in Strasbourg. This right was acknowledged by the UK in 1966 (Miles et al 438). Nonetheless, it would take a lot of procedural snags for a UK citizen to hurdle before being allowed to pursue an action at the Strasbourg Court. For one, a UK citizen must exhaust all remedies available to him under domestic laws before a case can be pursued at the ECHR Court. Moreover, an ECHR Court decision favourable to him is not really binding domestically because of sovereignty issues. As a matter of fact the ECHR has limited application domestically and only in the following conditions: to aid the interpretation of domestic laws in cases they are not clear; to guide the judiciary in the exercise of its judicial discretion, and; to establish the extent of common law (Miles et al 438). All of the aforementioned conditions were establish ed in the cases of R v Secretary State for the Home Department, ex parte Brind [1991] AC 696, Attorney General v Guardian Newspaper Ltd [1987] 1 WLR 1248 and Derbyshire County Council v Times Newspapers Ltd [1992] QB 770. In R v Secretary, a group of journalists challenged the Home Secretary’s directive prohibiting the publication of speeches of terrorists. The Court held that the Convention is not part of UK law and can be resorted only when a domestic legislation is ambiguous. On the other hand, in Attorney General v Guardian, which was about the publication of the memoirs of a retired secret service employee, the Court held that the judiciary could look to the ECHR for guidance in the use of its discretionary duty to decide on matters such as duty of confidence. Finally, in the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Corruption in India Essay Example for Free

Corruption in India Essay CORRUPTION ï‚ §Corruption is defined as the misuse of any power of public consequence for private gain. ï‚ §Corruption is not something new, as per Arthasastra of Kautilya ( around 3rd century B.C) : â€Å"Just as it is impossible not to taste the honey(or the poison) that finds itself at the tip of the tongue, so it is impossible for a government servant not to eat up, atleast, a bit of the king’s revenue.† â€Å"Just as fish moving under water cannot possibly be found out either as drinking or not drinking water, so government servants employed in the government work cannot be found out (while) taking money( for themselves)† Major Scams in India Year 1976 1981 1987 1987 1991 1991 1992 1992 1994 1995 1996 1996 1996 2000 2001 2002 2006 2009 2009 2010 2012 Scam KUO OIL DEAL SCAM ANTHULAY TRUST (PAY OFF) HDW COMMISSION BOFORS SCAM TELGI SCAM JMM BRIBE SECURITY SCAM(HARSHAD MEHTA) INDIAN BANK RIP – OFF SUGAR IMPORT BHANSALI SCAM FODDER SCAM HAWALA SCAM UREA DEAL UTI SCAM MUTUAL FUND SCAM HOME TRADE SCAM IPO SCAM MADHU KODA SCAM SATYAM SCAM THE 2G SCAM (MOTHER OF ALL SCAMS) COAL ALLOCATION SCAM TOTAL AMOUNT Amount (In crore) 2.2 30 20 64 43000 0.3 4000 1300 650 1200 950 810 233 32 1350 600 61 4000 24000 1,76,000 1,85,591 4,43,894 Effect Of Corruption On Poor Brought Out By CMS-TII †¢With special focus on BPL household’s 2008 survey shows the following results. †¢About one third of the BPL families paid bribe in the last one year for one or more of the eleven public services covered in the study. †¢ This shows that even the poorest of the poor are not spared in their targeted programs. †¢The survey shows that about 3.4 % of people paid a bribe for a school education and 48% in the case of police service. †¢4% BPL households used contacts for PDS ,school education electricity as they could not pay the bribe. †¢2% of the people could not get the above services sine they could not pay the bribe or had no contacts. Effects Of Corruption On The Poor BREAK UP OF BRIBES PAID FOR 11 BASIS SERVICES IN MILLION Services covered Public distribution system Hospital School education (up to class XII) Electricity Water supply National rural employment guarantee scheme Land record / registration Forest Housing Banking Police Total for 11 basic services of BPL families Total bribe paid in an year 450 870 120 1050 240 70 1240 240 1570 830 2150 8830 Source: TII-CMS India Corruption Study (2007) CPI – Corruption Perceptions Index-2012 ï‚ § As per the data for the year 2000 , India was in the 69th rank with CPI score of 2.8. ï‚ §As per Ratan Tata â€Å"Corruption has become worse after liberalization†¦Prior to 1991, corruption was in the form of granting licenses. Now, it’s replaced by the award of contracts and in changing the terms of contractual obligations.† Source: Transparency International 2012 CPI score. CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2012 Source: Transparency International 2012 Corruption Stifles Economic Progress Agents Role In the Licensing System †¢Corruption leads in reduction in efficiency. †¢Corruption leads to wastage of public funds and Resources. ï‚ §Institutionalization of corruption. †¢Most prevalent form of corruption in India. Eg: Driving Licensing Process in most states. †¢Willingness to pay bribes. †¢Bounce back on the society. Source: February 2, 2008-Economic Political Weekly. What Is The Root Cause Of Corruption ? †¢Traditional practise. †¢Government services being monopolistic in nature. †¢Lack of trans-parency. †¢Lack of efficient and review monitoring mechanism. †¢Issues with electoral process (funding). †¢ Corporate politician nexus-(State Capture). †¢Socio economic divide. †¢Lack of effective grievance redressal system. Major Demands Of The Team Anna and Kejriwal †¢All govt. servants under the jurisdiction (Including PM). †¢Election and removal be independent of the govt. authorities. †¢CBIs corruption investigation agency shall be brought under the admin control. †¢Investigation procedure shall be in tune with the criminal investigation procedures. †¢Setting up of lokayuktas. †¢Provision for the citizens charter. †¢Effective grievances redressal forum. Earlier Movements Against Corruption: †¢1974 Navnirman movement of Gujarat. †¢Jayaprakash Narayan’s (JP) anti-corruption movement in Bihar of 1974-75 were both against corruption. †¢Other movements: †¢Farmers movements. †¢Dalit movement. †¢Womens Movement. †¢Environmental Movements. †¢RTI Movement. India Against Corruption Movement -How it Differed ? †¢Anna’s Image. †¢Political Vacuum at its peak. †¢Media coverage. †¢In the first phase it seemed completely detached from existing political establishment. †¢Second phase suggested a political alternative. †¢Pan Indian image. ADVANTAGES: †¢Gave a very strict dead line. †¢Proposed several use full amendments. †¢His is a political struggle backed by a moral struggle. †¢Attracted the Youth. †¢Advantages of formation of a political party : †¢Other parties tend to choose better candidates. †¢Other parties tend to give more freedom to the lower level workers. †¢Other parties tend to function more transparently. †¢Could be a failure in election. But politically success. DISADVANTAGES: †¢Less features to prevent corruption prospectively. †¢Based on the assumption that Lokpal will be full of honest and efficient people. Lessons From Karnataka Lokayukta Lessons learnt : ï‚ §Lokpal should have the power of a criminal court. ï‚ §Selection of right candidate . ï‚ §Including PM ministers and MPs under the jurisdiction of the bill. Recommendations by Hegde : ï‚ §Powers to implement recommendations of the Lokpal should be the authority of Lokpal rather than the government. ï‚ §Lokpal to have a separate police force for investigation. ï‚ §Lokpal to have the administrative control over CBI’s corruption investigation team. ï‚ §Making CVC answerable to Lokpal. WAYS TO PREVENT CORRUPTION †¢We need a complete overhaul (holistic approach). †¢Bottom up approach will not work (top officials are also corrupt). †¢We need a top down approach (bring all levels of officers under the jurisdiction of Lokpal). †¢Have faith in the citizens. Emphasis on decentralized the governance structures. †¢Better salaries. †¢Better discipline (accountability and other related aspects). †¢Better recruitment process (importance of Attitude, Aptitude, Ethics). †¢Better automation (Transparency and related aspects). †¢Political will/commitment. †¢Social norms/values should change. †¢Electoral reforms. Question Answer Session

Monday, October 14, 2019


Strategy Strategy Definition of: A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. The word strategy has military connotations, because it derives from the Greek word for general. Strategy is the mean or the tool by which objectives are consciously and systematically pursued and obtained over time. A strategy is a long term plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal. Strategy is different from method. In military terms, tactic is concerned with the conduct of an engagement while strategy is concerned with how different engagements are linked. In other words, how a battle is fought is a matter of tactics: the terms that it is fought on and whether it should be fought at all is a matter of strategy. Q.1 Strategic and operating causes morita realized the importance of the american market during his trip thats where he decided the stategy for his compamny to devlope company market outside japan to capture the most important market in the world. Objective of stretegy objective was to capture the most important market in the world to gain more reputation in out side market,first he decided to change companys name from ttkkk to sony which became barnd name later on. first objective was to increse the globalisation to capture the important markets in the world and be more localised. sony appointed the mangement team that was well and truely capable in thier work. sony open their first office in 1960 to control the export and distribution of its product to get more control and hold in the target market and from the export of radios, magnetic tapes they received more then 50 % of their revenues. sony invested in r d to keep the balance between production and sales that they can produce the right amount of product according to demand. sony opened their first manufacturing plant in 1970 which started producing colour television which gave them a significant rise in sales beacuse everything was avilable to customres lacally in america during 1970 soony had been able to grow and profit as a manufaturerer of small consumer electronic goods compare to other companies its invenstment was modest in areas out side of consumer products,such as semiconductor and computers. (ref: - Q.2 Sony to Sustain in Current operational period. Have to increase its RD and bring new innovation because first mover may gain advantages in building distribution channel, in typing up spesilaized suppliers or in gaining the attention of customer. SONY needs to have more specialized forienger management team with the hope that the outsider will assist. SONY should implement more efficient and effective strategies to gain more strength in the market. open more distribution channels in the world specailly in europe and america. SONY to sustain in the market should advertize its product more to the general masses. SONY should maintain its quality standard. SONY to sustain in the market should cope with new technology and start proucing the product according to the trends of the markets. Q.3(a) A Company strategy and A Business strategy A Company strategy:- In Simple term, It is company aims in general and the way its hopes to achive them. The direction of an organization takes with the objective of achiving business success in the long term. The formulation of company startegy involes establishing the purpose and the scope of the organization activities and the nature of the business it is in taking the enviorment in which it operate its position in market palce and competetion it faces tion corporate palnnig and busiiness plan are use to implement company strategy. A Business Strategy: Long-term approach to implementing a firms business plans to achieve its business objectives. OR A course of action, including the specification of resources required, to achieve a specific objective. Business strtegy is a term used in business plannig that imples a careful selection and appilication of resource to obtain a copetative futre events or trends. Business strategy is concern more with how a business complete successfully in a particular market it concern strategic decesion about choice of product meeting needs of customers, gaing advanteges over competetors expoliting or creating new oppourtunitiesetc. The simplest is by developing slightly different offerings, perhaps to target slightly different markets from those it serves at the moment or to meet more precisely the needs a sub-segment of existing customers examples include: 1.Mcdonalds introduction of the bigger Big Mac, targeted at existing customers with above average appetites in order to increase their spend at McDonalds . 2. Sonys induction of a range of LCD TVs. Q.3 (b) Global strategy: Global strategy as defined in business terms is an organizations strategic guide to globalization. A sound global strategy should address these questions: what must be (versus what is) the extent of market presence in the worlds major markets? How to build the necessary global presence? What must be (versus what is) the optimal locations around the world for the various value chain activities? How to run global presence into global competitive advantage? A global strategy may be appropriate in industries where firms are faced with strong pressures for cost reduction but with weak pressures for local responsiveness. Therefore, it allows these firms to sell a standardized product worldwide. However, fixed costs (capital equipment) are substantial. Nevertheless, these firms are able to take advantage of scale economies and experience curve effects, because it is able to mass-produce a standard product which can be exported (providing that demand is greater than the costs involved). Global strategies require firms to tightly coordinate their product and pricing strategies across international markets and locations, and therefore firms that pursue a global strategy are typically highly centralized Characteristics of sony global stratege Morita co-founder of sony wants to make his copmany successful all around the global for that.he use a global strategy and its charecteics are as follows. when he went to usa he found that the american market is the better target market than the japanes market for electronic he decided to implement the strategy than can give him a significant. sony not only target american market but also keep note of the importance of the other markets in the world. sony status making it item locally so that it can achieve a balance in sales and production. sony makes item that are local to that starts his RD local so that sony can achive a better result in that part of local market,because differnet part of world got different consumeres and got different needs and satisfaction point. sony has given such innovation and quality in their product that customers can be satisfied.this strategy was adopted all over the world by sony. Q.4: Corporate planning and strategic planning Corporate Panning Is concerned with an organizations basic direction for the future: its purpose,its ambitions, its resources and how it interacts with the world in which it operates Involves decisions about the organization as whole. defines the activities of the organization and structure. The process of drawing up detailed action plans to achieve an organizations goals and objectives, taking into account the resources of the organization and the environment within which it operates. Corporate planning represents a formal, structured approach to achieving objectives and to implementing the corporate strategy of an organization. It has traditionally been seen as the responsibility of senior management. The use of the term became predominant during the 1960s but has now been largely superseded by the concept of strategic management. Strategic Planning. A fundamental pattern of present and planned objectives, resource deployments and interactions of an organization with markets, competitors, and other environmental factors. Strategic Planning process. Mission Objectives. Environment Scanning. Strategy Formulation. Strategy Implementation. Evaluation Control. Strategic planning is an organizations process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Various business analysis techniques can be used in strategic planning, including SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats ) and PEST analysis (Political, Economic, Social, and Technological analysis) or STEER analysis (Socio-cultural, Technological, Economic, Ecological, and Regulatory factors) and EPISTEL (Environment, Political, Informatic, Social, Technological, Economic and Legal). Corporate planing consist of objectives, aims and strategies of any organization on the other hand Strategic planning will give us direction how to take the right decisions at the right time to achieve these aims, objectives and strategies. Example of Corporate planning. Corporate Planning of IBM. For decades IBMs corporate, bussiness, and marketing strategies were all very successful. By the mid 1990s, however, several of IBMs traditional businesses were in trouble.The companys share of the worldwide PC market fell to about 8 percent in 1990, third behind Dell and Compaq. Worse, the firms Pc business was projected to lose $400 million, on top of a $1 billion loss in 1998. A New Corproate Strategy. when Lou Gerstner took over as IBMs chief executive in 1994, he and a task force of other executives, including many from the marketing and sales ranks, reexamined all the firms businesses, customer segments, competitors, and potential competitors. Thier Conclusion : the internet would change everything. They foresaw that The real leadership in the [ information technolgy] industry was moving away from the creartion of technology to the application of the technology, says Gerstner. The explosive growth is in service. Further We concluded that this[the internet] was not an information superhighway. This was all about business, doing transaction, not looking up information. consequenty, IBMs top excutives began to refocus the corporate mission,de-emphasising the development and manufacture of high-tech hardware while increasing the emphasis on providing customers with e-business engineering,software, and outsourcing leverage the firms existing competencies and its long-term relationships with its traditional customers, many of the new services the firm developed concentrate on helping large, brick- and mortar firms (1) hook old corporate databases (often on mainframes)into new online systems, (2) integrate web technology into their internal business processes to improve efficiency, and (3) develop and run company websites.for instance, lego, the danish toy manufacturer, pays IBM to run its entire Web operation, including contracting with the danish post office to handle shipping. but the corporation has also expanded the scope of both its new service and old hard-ware businesses to embrace smaller customers. for example, in 2002 the firm released scaled-down version of its database,email, and network management software that are easier to maintain and up to 80 per cent cheaper than its standard versions. IBM also announced a partnership with J.D edwards co. in which the provider of tech services to midsized companies will base its entire software menu on IBM programs.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Comparing Stories Your Shoes versus Flight versus Chemistry :: Doris Lessing Michele Roberts Graham Swift

Explore how conflict between two characters is communicated in the short stories studied. Introduction: The short stories I have chosen to focus on for this essay are ‘Flight’ by Doris Lessing and ‘Your Shoes’ by Michele Roberts. I will briefly refer to a third, Graham Swift’s ‘Chemistry’. I will show the character’s desire for control or continuity which conflicts with the choices or sense of independence of another character also, the theme of the generation gap and imagery, dialogue to convey conflict or a sense of understanding by the characters. Development: In ‘Flight’ the grandfathers character portrays a desire to maintain the continuity of the family by trying to show his control over his daughter, in the text it states that he called his daughter a ‘Liar’, liar. Then you should regret it. Why do you make your girls marry? It’s you who do it. What do you do it for? Why?’ The Grandfather’s is trying to make his daughter feel the guilty one for the family’s split, the loss of all that was dear to them, especially him and now they will all be gone. Only Alice left but, soon to flee the nest, his nest. In ‘Your Shoes’ the mother is still trying to take control of the situation, making excuses for her daughters departure, trying to justify her reasoning by, putting the blame on happenings that where out of her control. The text states, your father didn’t mean it when he told you those things the other night and called you a dirty slut. Both stories are similar with the use of imagery, in ‘Flight’ the grandfather uses a pigeon and in ‘Your Shoes’ the mother uses a pair of new white training shoes (trainers) both symbolising purity, precious and need looking after, taking care of, protecting from the evils of the outside world. But, they are both showing in doing this that they need to be controlled for their own safety, they are still too young to take this journey on their own. Both of these characters are possessive and don't want to let go what is dearest to them. Both characters act more possessive due to previous experiences, the Grandfather has seen other Grandchildren get married and leave home. The mother in Your Shoes continually refers to her troubled childhood where she felt she was ignored. In ‘Flight’, the Grandfather shows his control over the bird by deliberately holding out his wrist for the bird to take flight and then caught it again at the moment it spread its wings.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Serious Errors within Rene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy :: Philosophy Religion Essays

Serious Errors within Rene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy One of Rene Descartes’ major culminations in Meditations on First Philosophy is â€Å"I must finally conclude that this proposition, I am, I exist, is necessarily true whenever it is put forward by me or conceived in my mind† (Descartes:17). This statement can be explicated by examining Descartes’ Cartesian method of doubt and his subsequent discovery of basic truths. Even though I do believe that Descartes concludes with a statement that is accurate: cogito ergo sum, there are areas of his proof that are susceptible to defamation. These objections discover serious error with Descartes’ method used in determining the aforementioned conclusion. In the first meditation, Descartes makes a conscious decision to search for â€Å"in each of them [his opinions] at least some reason for doubt†(12). Descartes rejects anything and everything that can be doubted and quests for something that is undeniably certain. The foundation of his doubt is that his opinions are largely established by his senses, yet â€Å"from time to time I [Descartes] have found that the senses deceive, and it is prudent never to trust completely those who have deceived us even once†(12). First, Descartes establishes that error is possible, employing the example of the straight stick that appears bent when partially submerged in water, as mentioned in the Sixth Replies (64-65). Secondly, he proves that at any given time he could be deceived, such is the case with realistic dreams. Further, Descartes is able to doubt absolutely everything since it cannot be ruled out that â€Å"some malicious demon †¦ has employed all his energies in or der to deceive me† (15). The malicious demon not only causes Descartes to doubt God, but also sends him â€Å"unexpectedly into a deep whirlpool which tumbles me around so that I can neither stand on the bottom or swim on the top†(16). Descartes has reached the point where he must begin to rebuild by searching for certainty. In the second meditation, Descartes is searching for an Archimedian point on which to seed a pearl of certainty. By doubting everything in his first meditation, Descartes consequently doubts his own existence. It is here that a certainty is unearthed: â€Å"If I convinced myself of something then I certainly existed†(17). However, Descartes â€Å"does not deduce existence from thought by means of syllogism, but recognizes it as something self-evident by a simple intuition of the mind,† or in other words, by natural light (Second Replies:68).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Current Issues in Visual Arts Education Essay

Reading has always been a part of my life. So do playing. Play in the sense of enjoying our life. What I hate most is formality, a life exist without freedom. Then I combined these two interests into one, to study about something fun, and can benefit others too. The study of literature has consumed most of my waking moments. Of course, I have done other things, but the more I have explored the more connections I see between the written page and the world in which I live in. How I realize I am the same with others, too. I think I am master enough naming and knowing the Malay traditional games that exist till now, but I am wrong. The daily games like ram-ram rip, rangkai-rangkai periuk, da da ko, cak lerang benang emas, tebang-tebang tebuk, ting-ting gula batu is already alien to me while I am searching the literature. However, the more I learn, the more I realize what I do not know. Actually, my thesis writing was under supervision of one kind-hearted professor of my school, which was under Research Methodology subject that I took last semester. She really influenced me in guiding the do and don’t in thesis writing. Her positive comments often play in my minds and always keep me awake. It is such a reflection to me. Although reflections are difficult to look into because we see what was lacking and what was missing, but I always feel relieved and more focused after seeking her advises. On the other hand, nothing could be more valuable. I have constructed this paper to reflect a dynamic process in writing my thesis. That is when I write a paper, it is not necessary I should be sitting in front of my computer, but rather I have to jot down what are appears in my mind on a piece of paper, otherwise it should left undone anywhere it could be. Hence, looking back at saved articles and references has often inspired me to expand upon an idea in completing the thesis writing. Thus, I have included list of articles for references, followed by the more polished works that have grown out them, with minimal faultlessly. I hope so. Statement of Research Problem and Research Objectives The reason why I as a researcher, trying to dig the problem of Malay traditional games because I realize that these games has been disappearing in our Malaysian community. As we know, Malaysian’s strong sense of community is reflected in many of their traditional games and pastimes. With the multicultural Malaysia, the traditional games especially among the Malays developed over a period of many centuries in the wake of important cultural influences. Some of the oldest surviving Malay traditional games like the real congkak and wau bulan still exist, but it is hardly to find one while newly developed games consoles explore brand new gaming style nowadays. Consciously or not, by the 80th era the existence of Malay traditional games is already faded out . For some concerns, traditional game augmentation aims at adding new value and playful features to a traditional game with keeping its original looks-and feel (Yamabe, Iwata, Shichinohe, and Nakajima) is the best way to keep the originality from disappear especially from the eyes of the new generation. I still remember my lists of childhood’s games. But have we ever thought that our children ever experience sitting in a circle on a wooden hut near paddy field to play batu seremban? Do they manage to collect every players shoe to build a cone-like shoe pyramid while playing tuju kasut? Or hiding under a huge tree near the bushes and get bitten by army of ants while playing aci sembunyi or hide and seek? Children are missing out of the benefits of traditional games that their parents and grandparents played in their childhood (Casbergue and Kieff ). More children are engaged in solitary games such as computer games, portable play station and other high-tech portable devices such as iPad. With the changes of time, many of the traditional games cherished by generations have their own history. Sometimes we are not even care where does it come from, including me. If I am not the researcher of this study, I think I don’t even bother about the history of congkak. The game of congkak, for example, is a mancala game of Malay origin where the oldest mancala game boards were found in a ruined fort of Roman Egypt and date back to the 4th century AD. There are frequent references to the game of marbles in Roman literature; precursors to modern-day marbles, spheres or flint, stone or baked clay have been found in archaeological sites around the world. Another popular traditional games, playing kites or ‘wau’ is believed to have been derived from the Arabic letter ‘wau’, because the shape of the wings resemble the outline of that particular Arabic letter. Of course as we played the traditional games, we were totally unaware of their long traditions. Especially for young children, they were simply having fun the same with generations before us without noticing the important part of inner value; preserving the games for the future. Traditional games are very significant in Malay cultural heritage. When we talk about something traditionally, at the same time it will reflect the culture. They reflect the ingenuity and resourcefulness of Malay forefathers in creating their own games by using inexpensive materials for their pastimes and recreations. These indigenous games are fun, and developing strong social skills among children. Lack of exposures from early ages of the children will affects the identity and originality of the traditional games. Nevertheless, future generation have no chances to explore the games if most of these traditional games faded out. According to (Akbari, Abdoli and Shafizadeh, pg. 123-129), traditional games have humanity and cultural values, beliefs translate by these from one lineage to other. These games were forgotten as a result of industrialization in recent years. As the thesis writing is upon completion of masters degree in education field, I tried to look at the issue from the angle of Malaysian education system. The implementation of traditional games into the syllabus is still lacking except for the Physical and Health Education subject specifically in primary schools. Furthermore, only a small part being inserted into the Preschool Curriculum under the thematic subject, Tunjang Kesihatan dan Kecergasan. These games, although simple, have cultural and social value and encourage children to exercise their ingenuity, especially in fostering team spirit in school and in the neighborhood. Three years back, I was a preschool teacher in my school. While doing this thesis, it jogs my memory when teaching the kids. Seriously, they were very excited at that time when I asked them to play galah panjang and baling getah. And as usual, they were asking me to play the same games the next day. Another interesting experience to share was during teacher’s day celebration in 2012. Both teachers and students were requested to compete in galah panjang games at that day. The best part was female need to wear kain batik while the male will wear kain pelekat. Everyone was having so much fun. Thus, I came out with the idea in order to preserving the true identity of Malay traditional games towards the students. I hereby conducted a case study research to implement the effects of applying Malay traditional games in the classroom for a group selection of primary school students. The application of these games wills actually results into the cognitive skills and the learning styles of students, also in teaching and learning environment in the classroom. As a result, I make the case that educational games can impact in the developing world. Significance and Limitation of the Study I am not suggesting that these games should replace existing explicit teaching strategies or supplant instructional time. My concerns are to improvise the teaching and learning style in our education by applying a new fun and interesting method while learning. The children are most likely to have peer interactions without teachers input by learning about the culture of childhood from their peers, not their parents or teachers. According to (Casbergue and Kieff), making traditional games available in the classroom could give children the opportunity to develop intellectual and physical skills within a supportive environment. An important void in the existing research literature would also be filled. This fact alone makes this research very significant. In addition, we have to remember that social skills are culturally based. Therefore, it is important for teachers to understand and be sensitive to the culturally based behaviors of students and use a variety of activities to foster acceptance of individual differences. They also can show students how to play ethnic games and encourage students to play in groups (Church, Gottschalk and Leddy). The study will then shows the importance of preserving the original identity of Malay traditional games from faded out. One of the goals of this both quantitative and qualitative research is to study the process of playing Malay traditional games and number of repetition within a certain period. I know that is important to note that the name and process may vary from one practices to another, as many version of games rules and how-to-play version, which could not be controlled by me. Sometimes, it may create confusedness among players. Brief Review on Malay Traditional Games People may see that traditional game is a simple thing, but actually traditional games are valuable elements of a culture. Their inventions show how creative the humans are, a combination with high imagination. It is such a precious heritage to be preserved and imply with the history of its creation. Furthermore, it is hard to find the true inventors of the games and how it is evolved. I have never thought who are the one created konda-kondi, tuju kasut and dam aji. This kind of heritage is a basis where a human group funds its identity, its projects for the future, its memory, its history, its fears, its desires. When people lose this untouchable, fragile fragment of their culture, then they will lose their reason for living, their past and their future (Civallero). Traditional games are a sort of intangible cultural heritage with its richness of Malay cultural values and ethics. Normally, the original version of traditional games had been manipulated by the oral from one to another. This effects the exaggeration of the true identity of traditional games itself. Traditional Malay games usually require craft skills and manual dexterity and can be traced their origins since the days of Melaka Sultanate. Sepak raga and kite flying are among traditional games that were mentioned in the Malay Annals being played by nobilities and royalties of the Malay Sultanate (Ooi). I think we should discuss on few numbers of existing Malay traditional games surround us. Firstly is ‘Dam Impit’. The purpose of this game is for players to test their expertise and brains to collect as many as opponent’s dam and getting close to opponent side of the dam’s table. Playing Dam Impit helps the player to sharpen their thinking skills, capable to develop their patience and discipline among the players (Nasarah and Nasarah). Children can play this game on free time. Adults also make this game as their spare time hobby. Secondly is Cuit Bintik. It is a very fun game to play. In certain places they call this game as Orang Ganjil Kena Cuit. The rules of the game is whoever had been touched by others at certain part of the body need to become the ‘toucher’ while holding their particular part of body and chasing for the next victim (Nasarah and Nasarah). According to (Nasarah and Nasarah ), Jarum Mas is one type of recreational game, not in a form of competition. Players can enjoy the game with one of the main character in the game as the ghost or ‘hantu’. The role of ‘hantu’ is to look after the treasures in the drawn circle. Player who had been caught by ‘hantu’ will become the next ‘hantu’ and the game will be repeated over again. For me, this one is a very interesting game to play. The game represents the culture of sending kuih to neighbors that has always been a practice to Malay people since a very long time ago. Traditionally, the kuih was made by the mother or the family members during Ramadhan or fasting month for break fast. In the research by (Nasarah and Nasarah), there is a game called ‘hantar kuih’ , often play by the boys at night of the fasting month. The game is plays for the whole month, consisting two groups A and B. The group will send the kuih secretly with name taken and wrote in a piece of paper. Whoever had been caught by the opponent will lose. By the end of the month, all players will forgive one another during Hari Raya. This kind of game test the level of children’s speed from chasing by other players and how to avoid themselves from been caught by enemies. (Nasarah & Nasarah) said players who had been touched by the chaser need to sit squat until just one player left. The sitting playing is considered as died, and the only one player left will be the winner. The Malays also have a variant of Mancala board games known as Congkak Lubang Sepuluh or Congkak Lubang Dua Puluh. The game is played by moving stones, marbles, beads or shells around a wooden board consisting of twelve or more holes. At my time, my friends and me often play using marbles. Traditionally, (Nasarah & Nasarah) said the real ambience to play congkak is on the ground with players wearing sarungs. The function of wearing sarungs are much easier for the players to collect marbles to put in Rumah Ibu. Rumah Ibu is the two big holes dig on the ground with optional numbers of Lubang Rumah Anak. I ever had this kind of experiences during my childhood. The ambience playing under our wooden house was really incredible and amazing. At this time, I don’t know that congkak has a different name too. Historically, mancala or congkak is acknowledged as the oldest game in the world, with variety versions of playing rules depending on the culture of the player. Its origin is traced from Ancient Egypt. As the game dispersed around the globe, every culture has invented its own variation including the Malays. It is common to assume that digital games are something of a new phenomenon. In fact, historians on digs and discover of ancient records all over the world have been able to blow this assumption right out of the water. Many of the forms of traditional games that we see today have been around the centuries, even as earlier since ancient Egypt. Time passes as well as the traditional ways of gaming for the children. As they keep themselves entertained, the generation of video consoles and touch screen are now at the forefront (Boyajian). Nowadays, highly advanced gadgets packed the markets and as time goes by, they are becoming more and more advanced. If once upon a time, the traditional games still can easily be seen played by village boys and girls, in rural or sub urban area. Rarely now, the situation are not the same when the village boys and girls are exposed to technology, to suit with the changes of era. So, where are the traditional games for the Malays? I often asking myself about this, and sometimes I asked my circle of friends, family whereby why it is hard to find one now? Are they also aware of it? Are they realizing the disappearance of our one of the most valuable cultural values too? Just like ‘the evolution’ of society was imagined as a one-way transformation from tradition to modernity (Eichberg). Yes, we can’t deny modernization, but must the tradition being abandoned? Perhaps, not. Research Methodology and Analysis My real concern about the study is actually to investigate the Malay traditional games practices in classroom. The research methodology chosen for this study contain a number of selected gaming activities in classroom, loosely based on the research written by four researchers from different universities under the same disciplines. (1)Matthew Kam (Human-Computer interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA, (2) Akhil Mathur and (3) Anuj Kumar both from Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology, Gujarat, India, and (4) John Canny (Computer Science Division and Berkeley Institute of Design, University of California, Berkeley, USA. The title of the study is ‘Designing Digital Games for Rural Children: A Study of Traditional Village Games in India. This is the best article I’ve found to assist me in writing this study, as it’s quite hard to find related scholarly articles or journals about the study. Again, I am not to design a game, but I am investigating the appropriateness either the implementation of Malay traditional games in classroom is suitable to be applied during teaching and learning or not, in any subjects not specifically in Visual Art Education subject. Conducting the study means that I am finding the best methods and relevant ideas for teachers to apply it in classrooms. Mixed method of quantitative and qualitative case study approach is used for the investigation. The intention of this study is to exemplary the research methodology adopted for the study, which is a case study design. According to Merriam states that case study is â€Å"often the best methodology when understanding is sought in order to improve practice† (as cited in Zeyad ). Case study investigations â€Å"can explain the reason for a problem, the background of a situation, what happened and why†. A case study designed is employed to gain an in-depth understanding of the situation and meaning for those involved. The interest is in discovery rather than confirmation (as cited in Zeyad ). At the first place, I thought descriptive design is the best and safer way for doing research, but after gone through few steps ahead my research, I found that case study is the best to carry mine. Besides exemplary the case research done by (Kam et. al ), I also had conducted a preliminary investigation called pilot study as well as the literature survey. The pilot study is pointed to the process of inducting theory using case studies- from specifying the research questions to reaching closure. Besides carried out as a trial study, this pilot study also assisted me in testing the feasibility, reliability and validity of the design. I then selected a number of samples to carry out the pre-test, or in easier words to play the Malay traditional games inside a classroom before the actual investigation is done. I then used the information gathered in pilot studies to refine or improve my research or evaluation procedure being piloted before it is used on a larger scale. This internal pilot study was established through a variety of ways (1) I had approached school directly via headmaster or teachers or management itself to seek permission on conducting the small scale research internally, (2)I had work ‘in partnership’ with the students and interested teachers in contributing to the research, and (3)I drew on personal and professional contacts to set up projects with colleagues who are already aware of game-based learning specifically in traditional and digital ways. Clearly, implementing a game in a teaching and learning session is risky. Either the learning objectives can be achieved or it can be left undone. To design a game that combining a traditional game and completely match the understanding of students while playing, good data collection methods will be more culturally meaningful to rural students. Although I am not designing the game, but at least I am already have in my mind that traditional games might not be playing in traditional ways only, but we can suit with the current modernization. It just how creative the teachers’ are, to add up some spice in their teaching methods. I conducted an initial focus group interview for the student during the pilot study. I asked the participants to recall the everyday games that they love to play for us to videotape. I got a tremendous response from the participants saying their favorite everyday games, including both traditional and digital games. From the feedback, I hypothesized that they still know the Malay traditional games is still exist. I then conducted four methods of data collections which are (1) combination of semi-structured and unstructured interviews, (2) participant observation, (3) follow-up questionnaires and (4) collection of documents with the participants. All gathered information will be recorded for transcribing in data analysis. By using the different methods of data collections, a cross check data will assist in interpretation of data gathered later. Generally for semi-structured and unstructured interview, close-ended and open-ended questions will be asked in order to allow the participants to create options for responding on the current research topic. Participants can also voice their experiences and perspectives on the research area without boundary. They are free to talk and voice out their opinion in order to make the session is more fun, interactive and meaningful. The participant observation will allow me to role as the participant observer during the activities being held. But the observational roles can be changed later to suit with the activities conducted. Additional data came from the participant’s responses to follow-up questionnaires developed specifically to obtain answers to new questions raised after the initial interview data had been analyzed. These follow-up questionnaires were also used to clarify initial answers and verify interview findings. Public and private records will be a good source of text data in assisting the study. Permission was obtained before using the documents.